Digital Skills

Wayne Township Public Library

They offer monthly classes on computer skills

This takes you to website to help with typing

This will take you to a website to learn how to use your computer. You will need username and password.

Grammarly Video (Why this is important to have when writing resumes)

Grammarly Website

This will take you to a website where you can practice typing.

English Club is for anyone learning or teaching English. It’s a site where learners come to improve their English through online lessons, quizzes, games, forums, blogs, videos, photos etc. Many teachers use it as a resource for lesson plans and jobs. We have members from almost every country in the world.

North Star Basic Computer Skills Assessment – The Northstar Digital Literacy Project defines and assesses basic skills needed to perform tasks on computers and online. After successfully completing various assessments, people can obtain a Northstar Digital Literacy Certificate, which can serve as a credential for employment. There is no cost to complete the assessment modules.

This is a website where students can go to take free tutorials on Computer and Internet Basics

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