Obtaining High School Equivalency Diploma opens lots of job opportunities for an individual. I have been to many places looking for a job but often turned down because I do not possess it. Speaking and writing English is hard for me because I am from Nicaragua and our major language is spanish.
Do you know how it feels to have lots of ideas and energy to bring a plan to fruition and you find it difficult to convince people around you? I decided to take the bull by the horns and give it all it takes to improve my life.
Even though I have spent fourteen years in America and working to earn a living, I still feel the need to do better and take advantage of all the opportunities around me. I could not think of any other place to go but Wayne Township Adult Education.
I registered online, took tests and started to attend classes. After a few weeks, things began to change around me. Right now, my understanding of English has improved greatly so that I no longer get confused or feel bad about myself while engaging in any conversation.
I look forward to taking my Boot Camp pretty soon!
Interviewed & Written by:
Olusola Idowu-Ogunleye